TabTech® is ideal for any industry that requires any type of manufacturing assembly line using narrow but long pieces of adhesive tape that require easy peel liner tabs for use when affixing the taped component.

TabTech® is perfect for the design and easy assembly of automotive trim and hardware. With increasing use of narrow width high performance tape to facilitate lighter weight parts of the vehicle design TabTech® comes into its own to provide for fast and accurate assembly to the vehicle structure.
Similar to all aspects of transportation in the future the need for lighter weight structures whilst retaining high standards of engineering precision are paramount in the Aerospace industry. Preston Technical have a long background in the Aerospace industry with particular expertise in the supply of manufacturer kits for specific assembly tasks. TabTech® is ideal for kitting projects as bespoke and individual size rolls can be supplied in exact dimensions to meet the requirements of the process.

Specialty Transport
Safety, efficiency and ergonomics are key drivers in the design of custom and speciality transportation vehicles, as well as bringing environmental cost benefits to the fleet user. The use of high- performance foam tapes are now helping to deliver weight and operational savings in trailer construction over traditional fixing methods such as riveting. TabTech® helps to deliver that with the accurate assembly and fast construction of the frame due to the easy liner removal.
Exactness of fit and finish is critical for the manufacturing process of today’s premium quality boats. The use of TabTech® helps meet those demanding standards in allowing self-adhesive tape to be accurately applied in complex applications and ensuring expensive boat components fit precisely as required.

White Consumer Goods
TabTech® can be used in a variety of application possibilities in domestic appliances – from the mounting of the display and control panels in fridges, freezers, microwaves, and ovens, to the technical capability of 3M VHB™ tape utilised for mounting decorative trim on the front doors of washing machines – where good glass to plastic bonding performance is critical - and the use of die cut tape is the answer to many challenges that appliance manufacturers face.